Everlasting_hope's Profile
Joined on Jan 2, 2012
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
13-Year Club
Everlasting_hope's Quizzes
- Darkest Love P3[published: Jan 03, 2012, 2 comments]
You are an ordinary highschool girl, with ordinary friends... or so it would seem. You spend two weeks at……
- Darkest Love P2[published: Jan 03, 2012, 2 comments]
You are an ordinary highschool girl, with ordinary friends... or so it would seem. You spend two weeks at……
- Darkest Love P1[published: Jan 03, 2012, 8 comments]
You are an ordinary highschool girl, with ordinary friends... or so it would seem. You spend two weeks at……
Everlasting_hope's Recent Posts
"Your Open QuestionShow me another Creative Ideas are Needed? I'm starting to write a romantic story for a contest. "
Everlasting_hope's Recent Quiz Comments
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"ht tp://w ww.gotoq uiz.c om/d arkest_l ove_p3
here you go guys, go to the link without the spaces. Oh- and if you happen to ever…"
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"ht tp:/ /gotoquiz.co m/darkest_ love _p2
here you go guys, go to the link without the spaces. Oh- and if you happen to ever get…"
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"Leave a comment :D"
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"The next part is already out XD"
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