EternalChaos's Profile
Joined on May 12, 2016
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
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EternalChaos's Recent Posts
"Valerie slowly stood up from the seat she was in, turning around as she went back inside of her room to get ready for the day."
"Valerie sat outside on the balcony of her room, overlooking the garden down below. It was one of her favorite views to look at, especially e..."
"Cool. Do you want me to start?"
"So half dragon things? Ah, alright then. Yeah"
"I would say, maybe , No. It doesn't seem to be a "species", so can't really fit to be hybrid from what I saw. I don't know."
"Not really, No."
"Could you elaborate on the "dragonborn" thing?"
"Whatever you would like it to be? Could be from a rare animal, or an animal you would find in fantasy-like a dragon or something. Choose wha..."
"Name: Valerie Marie Valentine Age: 17 Gender: female Appearance: (copy and p"
"I'll take female, if that's alright?"
"Cool. I'll post my character tomorrow. Feel free to do hours whenever"
"MxF then? Male x female"
"Sure. What pairing do you prefer?"
"In years before, the humans lived alongside hybrids-or more so-half humans, half creatures. The humans and hybrids did not get along "
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