ET3's Profile

Joined on Aug 22, 2021
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
3-Year Club
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ET3's Recent Posts
"I'm still alive, fam, how bout yourself?"
"what is that??"
"Thats a good idea"
"We shall see, the good times will once again roll, just as they used to."
"I mean, we've been talking like all fkn day every day for like the past week, so I aint got any reason to believe at all that she isnt inter..."
"Lol, school should be starting soon, so we will find out soon enough."
"Nah, if I know me, it's gonna be some random miscellaneous s---."
"I feel like it's been pretty dead for a lot longer than just this summer."
"Only a little. Would really like to have my original account back, but I have no clue what password is anymore."
"Don't look now, but I think were the only ones here right now..."
"Lmfao, yeah it is."
"I know it's the correct word, but it's still a funny one."
"Hehe... Aloof is a funny word. That's fair."
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