Esgee's Profile
Joined on Dec 8, 2011
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
13-Year Club
Esgee's Quizzes
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Esgee's Recent Quiz Comments
"Oh wow. I didn't think this quiz would be right!"
1 -
"This quiz is so awesome and accurate!
I got Obi and my brother got Anikin!"1 -
"Great quiz!
The question seemed very relevant, and the answer was quite accurate for me."
1 -
"Rated 0. This quiz is awful.
I got 39%. I do get 80s in school and understand all my core subjects.
But that part doesn't…"
1 -
That was a good quiz!"1 -
Please have a bit of a story to it."1 -
"It doesn't matter how one looks.
Sure, it may show that someone is emo,But what really matters is the music. It indicates…"
1 -
Nngh"1 -
Very sweet."1 -
"Andy is soooooooo my type. "