emovampire1250's Profile

Joined on Apr 12, 2012
Status Level: Novice
emovampire1250's Quizzes
- Do You Know Glee?[published: Apr 17, 2012, 3 comments]
*READ THIS FIRST* hey, hey, hey. ok, so this is my 1st quiz so i hope u guyz like it, and BTW this quiz is……
emovampire1250's Recent Posts
"wat is a soap? the one u use in the shower? or a different one....if its the shower one, dont drop it...."
"*stitch voice* hi. *normal voice* i feel srry for u dro:(, dont worry, everythingz gonna b alright.:)"
"*floatz away to my house* bye, im going to my house......."
"hey dro, and other person holding a bloody sledge hammer.........."
""cant wake up, wake me up inside......""
"@beastial *throwz 5 cookiez for him to catch*"
"@BTR here *givez cookie w/ telekinesis* hope u like it.........*floatz back in dark*"
"@Dro thx :D"
"@BTR want a cookie? *floatz near BTR*"
"@dro ok :>)"
"@dro oopz i didnt know @BTR kay"
"@BTR good, u? ^-^"
"@Dro the sky lolz"
"hi BTR :}"
"hi dro :P"
emovampire1250's Recent Quiz Comments
"@lolallday it was SUPERZ GREATZ! p.s mine wasnt really a embarrassing moment i was just thinking of his SUPERZ cute asian frecklez, im…"
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"i got jacob great quiz.....i "
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"my most embrassing momment was when my friendz were pushing me to my crush, and then i accidently got pushed into him.....but i thanked my…"
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"hey guyz, thx for taking my quiz! i know i got werid at tthe end, so srry! ^-^ -emovampire *vamp:)*"
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"great quiz, it's fun. im a minscher pincher, lolz, i used to hav 2 of them, Meeko amd Chuckie. But sadly, Meeko ran away while me and my…"
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"great quiz, it's fun. im a minscher pincher, lolz, i used to hav 2 of them, Meeko amd Chuckie. But sadly, Meeko ran away while me and my…"
1 -
"i got mindreading. great quiz and it's kinda true. cuz' when my friendz are thinking, i say " ur thinking y i wont go on the date w/…"
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"who is teddy? oh, and nice quiz @DespicableSharon, it really helped me show my real emo............I LUV HOT TOPIC."
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"WTF??? i'm not from the great lakes, i'm from Texas but i'm filipino.......PIE!"