EmoChick1's Profile
Joined on Apr 6, 2010
Status Level: Newbie
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EmoChick1's Recent Quiz Comments
"Your Result: Black
You have a terrible aura... Your aura draws or pulls energy to it and in so doing, transforms it. It captures…"
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"Your Result: do you wonder?
has it ever accured to you that there might be other beings out there? what if you were to turn how…"
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"Your Result: Diamond
Diamonds, if perfect, are perfectly transparent with no colour at all. However, this is very rare. Out of all…"
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"Your Result: Country Meadow
Sweet and shy, your scent teases at the senses. Wildflowers bloom in bright green meadows and big…"
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"Your Result: Next month
You are defenatly not the flirtyest girl. it'll take some time for him to notice you. Try talking to more…"
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"Your Result: average(group)
You try to fit in with everyone and is very well known. You are smart but is a "c" or "b" student. You…"
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"Your Result: Fire
Your element is Fire. You are passionate, caring, fierce when angry, and HOT! Your colors are red, orange, and…"
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"Your Result: Firethorn
Wild and self-willed, you let nothing stop you! You are the life of the party, the fierce rain clouds on a…"
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"Your Result: PURPLE
purples always seem to be more misterious than the other colors they dont talk alot and they like to keep to…"
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"Your Result: Your mom is Hera!
You are so totally going to want to have the perfect family someday. You probably look for…"