Elroy's Profile

Joined on May 15, 2015
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
Elroy's Quizzes
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Elroy's Recent Posts
"I died with black hair..?"
"Just change it yourself, Fang.."
"(This one is my ultimate favorite BAPEY :purayay:)"
"(My baby 💕)"
"That's disgusting.. I'm going to leave. *walks away*"
"Hey, Admin, where is my girlfriend? I'm feeling a little lonely here. You look lonely as well, but I don't care whether you are or not."
"Who would want to be shipped with him anyway?"
"Stop attacking Maddox."
"Can we not.."
"I got a 74% on my piano lesson?! *eyes wide* *sweat drop* If Etsuko makes a better grade.. I'm done for."
"*tackled hugged* Kokoro..."
"I'm right here, Kokoro."
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