Ellis Doe's Profile


Ellis Doe
Joined on Jun 4, 2020
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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Ellis Doe's Recent Posts

  • House of Lamentation
    "Asmo: *would press further, but he's going to try and get Ellis to her room, glances at Mirari for a moment before looking away because he k..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "Asmo: *looks confused at Zel* is...is Ellis alright? Usually she's back and kicking by now...*he carefully picks her up* but yes lets... let..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "Asmo: I...yes of course. *places Ellis carefully back on the ground* no worries when you're healed we can skulk together alright? "
  • House of Lamentation
    "Asmo: *keeps looking over Ellis for a moment before sighing holding her head in his lap trying to make her comfortable* I...think we really ..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "*let's go of Satan because he literally shoved her off like she was nothing and collapsed to the ground unresponsive and looking slightly bu..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "*when she gets him close enough she recalls the chain and holds him from behind in a hug like manner* hey hey calm down Zel will be fine I s..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "*continues to hold on while she possibly feels hellfire flames brushing against her skin as she continues to pull Satan closer* come on budd..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "*a low tsk escapes from her throat as she drops her weapon pulling up her sleeve for a moment as a chain hurls out and wraps around Satan's ..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "I don't want to fight you Satan please! *she brings up some ice forming a make shift weapon out of it* please don't make me do this please....."
  • House of Lamentation
    "*carefully stand back up and cough up some blood onto the ground* goddamn that stupid demon I'll kick his...*turns and sees Satan charging t..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "Asmo: *quickly gets to the cave once more and gets to the cave again hearing Mirari and Satan, though he stays quiet for a moment* Mirari......"
  • House of Lamentation
    "*passed out on the damn front lawn because the pain became too much* Asmo: *takes the cure in his hand and glances at Lucifer*"
  • House of Lamentation
    "*continues to drag Asmo, but looks sick and exhausted once they finally get back to the house* get the cure or someone else I can't...*falls..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "*sighs softly* alright alright I'll get the cure just get him calm enough so I don't have to make him drink it alright? *walks back out and ..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "*stops moving forward and looks hesitant to listen, only to sigh with bits of smoke rolling off her causing her to wince* Alright I'm...trus..."

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