Elizabeth's Profile
Joined on Nov 5, 2009
Status Level: Newbie
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Elizabeth's Recent Quiz Comments
"I'm the same as nessie...I love rb lol. There seems to be a lot of rb haters here!!! I love the character."
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"Your Result: Quarter Horse
You are active. You enjoy things like trail rides and long walks. You like having something to do. You…"
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"Your Result: Thoroughbred
You're high strung in other words HYPER!! You love to run and HATE when lag comes up on you. Sometimes…"
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"Great quiz! I really liked it, because it tested you. And I'm not just saying that because I did well in it haha, because I didn't! But the…"
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"The questions were a bit random, but all in all, good quiz, well done!"
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"Your questions weren't very specific and hardly any of them on the care of the horse! They were random questions of which the answers…"
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"Skewbald is brown and white patches =) and that wasn't given as an answer. Piebald is black and white."
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"How much of a horse lover are you?
Your Result: Total loverYou love horses more then anything in the world. You want to own a…"
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"Some of these questions were a bit insane and I agree with ponyluvr345 if a horse broke a leg it would be inhumane to not put the horse in…"
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"I got 80%, but I'm still not very impressed with the quiz. You weren't very specific with your questions and it should have been a very…"