Egoist's Profile

Joined on Oct 31, 2015
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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Egoist's Recent Posts
"Hey Nat c:"
"That debate doe loll"
"Wow, so you drive? :o"
"I don't think your 17 either though."
"I just imagine you dancing to Jpop, gawd."
"Urahara was quiet. "Fi-" he was about to speak before he was cut off by the door smashing down. Behind the door was an angered Kenpachi...."
"Ah okie, well is it just because of how much you eat or your metabolism? Damn, bruh savage XD Yeah don't fight man, just try to avoid "
"Kenpachi rolled his eyes. "What kind of fight is this?!" he growled. He took his sword and left. "It's time to check on that weak Chiharu." ..."
"Got cha) That doesn't sound nice. I bet your weight is fine. As long as you are healthy you shouldn't worry about other peoples option"
";-; time to run run run as fast you can you can't catch meh I'm the ginger- I mean sour patch kid"
"....You lied to us ..."
"I can rp today if you want by the way :o) How was school?"
"Oh yay! c: You seemed sad at first."
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