ecks dee's Profile

ecks dee
Joined on Jul 12, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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ecks dee's Recent Posts
"frm wat ive seen girls taller than me r f---ing hot"
"i think im getting desperate wtf"
"go for it. it also helps me fall asleep faster which is nice"
"not really i have a few friends that find warm milk disgusting"
"im also really comfy im covered in blankets with the air conditioner on and with a cup of warm milk its like im simulating winter in my hous..."
"no youre good the only time no one is welcome is when i have to vent about stuff. anyways whats up?"
"whatever the answer to that question is im sure it does not matter"
"yeah im aware of that but id like to keep mines here since it wont have any use there since ill just be ranting everytime im on"
"hi there! i wasnt expecting someone to pop in here"
"i might as well have this as my thread now"
"i wonder if i annoy them"
"im still going to say it i dont think anyone is going to read it anyways but ill say it after i wake up because im tired uwu"
"i remember my freshman year crush i could go on and say what i saw in her but naw u guys probably dont want to hear some sappy s--- uwu but ..."
"i don't think i need therapy though"
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