DrXazierQ's Profile
Joined on Aug 29, 2013
Status Level: Newbie
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DrXazierQ's Recent Quiz Comments
"Which philosopher are you?
Your Result: Aristotle 81%Truth does not exist in some transcendent realm. We get to truth by…"
1 -
"You deserve 91% to be happy.
^Not at all what I expected.
Inspirat ional, thanks for making this."0 -
Thought, a lot of the questions a really... bad. (Yes I know it's backwards, the lower the better).
What does my gender…"
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"Your Result: Peppermint Tea!
100%The sweet taste of peppermint..in tea form! This herbal tea is surprisingly very healthy,…"
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"Your Result: The Dark One! 90%
resultYou go about life like anyone else. Perhaps a bit quiet, removed, but for the most part, no…"
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"*was pumped to take the taste*
*skipped the entire quiz to come here to tell you your grammar and spelling is a piece of…"
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"Your Result: OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
You have odd obsessions that you cannot seem to control. You may even…"
1 -
"Your Result: spikey sting snake 83%
you control how people think of you you are cunning you can create self attention or make…"
2 -
"Your Result: Left Brain Hemisphere 87%
You are predominately left brain in your approach. LEFT BRAIN FUNCTIONS uses logic detail…"
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"Your Result: Asian 78%
You love electronics, You are very smart. You are an Asian man. You like to learn new things, you are an…"