DrFaust's Profile

Joined on Mar 6, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
13-Year Club
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DrFaust's Recent Posts
"LoL nice."
"Goodbye, Zero. Heph:Bye bye! Dammit Faust, your accounts got a 30 second time limit!>:O Me:And who's fault is t"
"@Kit:xD Nice @Zero: Make sure it's not me, though. Heph:Yeah.:P"
"@Kit: Ahh the fun of inside jokes.xD @Zero: Penguins? Then you have a problem on your hands. Deathbypenguins, Heph's buddy fr"
"SHIZ change all those 'mansions' to 'church'.xD Fail Heph."
"@Ting: Okay I guess. Heph: I'm delightful~ Me: No one asked you. Heph: I should've made your username 'Dr.Sass' "
"She's still 'ere"
"OMG I SEE IT xD :o"
"@Ting: Hello Ting, how are you this...almost midnight.*looking out window to make sure*Er, two hours before, whatever. @Zero:"
"Heph:See! That's why I keep him around. Me:...couldn't you just like, watch the anime? Heph: Psh, if you wanna take the easy r"
"...alright then."
"@Kit: Yep. Can't see what Heph sees in him.. Heph: And you'll never know.. ...damn you. "
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