DreamsAndThings's Profile
Joined on Aug 14, 2012
Status Level: Novice
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DreamsAndThings's Recent Quiz Comments
"Not to sound mean, but I really think you should change some parts of the quiz. It's only oriented towards those who own a horse. I take…"
2 -
"I personally like my results, even though they aren't quite accurate (yet!). My highest was jumping and second was eventer, followed by…"
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"Ok I am a brunette but I am so not the leading type... and the opposite of athletic. The lay-low part is more me. So the quiz somehow got…"
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"Same as KaylaEnoki.
I am the complete opposite of 'preppy', and with my wavy hair, a bob would be horrible. The shortest I've gone…"
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"Ok, I'm just artsy, some people confuse that with emo, but it's nowhere near the same. I'm not unhappy with my results- it said I wasn't…"
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"They should of had wolf, it seems like half the people that got deer would have got wolf. I like deers, but I'm not as timid as one..."