DreamerHeart's Profile
Joined on Dec 5, 2010
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
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DreamerHeart's Recent Posts
"I made this account to let off steam. No one has ever understood me and I don't give a f--- anymore. So I write better than txt tlk lke ths...."
"Don't soap operas belong in the literature forum?"
"Fine goodbye."
"When did I condemn anyone? I am writing poetry. I am not preaching at all."
"She never fits in with anyone, her heart is troubled by the undying loneliness she feels. She is sometimes jealous of lovers yet does not fu..."
"We all know that love is a beautiful thing that can also have the potential to rip your heart out, but it's not limited to only romance. One..."
"Almost 16"
"For all you know it could be a pedophile pretending to be a teenager. Give up too much information and you are in danger. And possibly could..."
"A girl with a dreamer's heart."
"That which is unknown does not need to be known at all."
"This is for those who are proudly single. This is for those who stand by their morals. This is for those who dream for more in"
"That I cannot tell you."
"I am alone in this world. My heart is restless and my soul is chained inside a broken imitation of myself. My story is untold and I walk thr..."
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