Dream And Prince's Profile


Dream And Prince
Joined on Feb 10, 2014
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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Dream And Prince's Quizzes

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Dream And Prince's Recent Posts

  • "(Really Shido? :/) Vitali of Nomia, at your service, ladies~"
  • Post here and I will...
  • Mom hugged me.
    "(Brb, gotta take a shower.)"
  • Mom hugged me.
    " Oh? I don't see how anyone can like him. He's insensitive, cold, and no fun whatsoever. I'm a Prin"
  • Mom hugged me.
    "Is today beat the s--- out of the cripple day or something?!?! He can call me Pretty boy. He has since we were kids."
  • Mom hugged me.
    "*sighs* She's a b----. I didn't deserve to be pummeled. Yes you did. NO ONE ASKED YOU PRETTY BOY."
  • Mom hugged me.
    "I'm not going to. Vitali's seen to that. So don't worry your pretty little head. I'll just sit here in absolute agony. I don't see why she h..."
  • Mom hugged me.
    "*eyes are wet with tears, hisses as she touches him* I don't want to die. But I don't want to hurt either. Why doesn't anyone understand thi..."
  • Mom hugged me.
    "*clutches cloak tighter around himself, trying not to scream* I'm not apologizing....It's my choice to live or not, I don't have to e"
  • Mom hugged me.
    "*can't even get up, just sits there, laughing* Why the hell should I? I don't like the little brat. You must be confusing me for pretty boy...."
  • Mom hugged me.
    "*smiles* Kill me? Please do.."
  • YAY!!!! ICEE LAND!!!!!!
  • Mom hugged me.
    "*punched out of wheel chair, f---ing screams because that jarred his broken bones and hurts like hell, can barely hear you, wouldn't listen ..."
  • Mom hugged me.
    "It's bad? Oh, well damn. *sarcastic ass right now, in pain* -w- Aura. No."
  • Mom hugged me.
    "Heph: Sorry! They're idiots. I'm not an idiot. *is Auralious and is in a wheel chair, has a broken leg and shoulder* "

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