Dream And Prince's Profile

Dream And Prince
Joined on Feb 10, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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Dream And Prince's Recent Posts
"(Really Shido? :/) Vitali of Nomia, at your service, ladies~"
"(Brb, gotta take a shower.)"
" Oh? I don't see how anyone can like him. He's insensitive, cold, and no fun whatsoever. I'm a Prin"
"Is today beat the s--- out of the cripple day or something?!?! He can call me Pretty boy. He has since we were kids."
"*sighs* She's a b----. I didn't deserve to be pummeled. Yes you did. NO ONE ASKED YOU PRETTY BOY."
"I'm not going to. Vitali's seen to that. So don't worry your pretty little head. I'll just sit here in absolute agony. I don't see why she h..."
"*eyes are wet with tears, hisses as she touches him* I don't want to die. But I don't want to hurt either. Why doesn't anyone understand thi..."
"*clutches cloak tighter around himself, trying not to scream* I'm not apologizing....It's my choice to live or not, I don't have to e"
"*can't even get up, just sits there, laughing* Why the hell should I? I don't like the little brat. You must be confusing me for pretty boy...."
"*smiles* Kill me? Please do.."
"*punched out of wheel chair, f---ing screams because that jarred his broken bones and hurts like hell, can barely hear you, wouldn't listen ..."
"It's bad? Oh, well damn. *sarcastic ass right now, in pain* -w- Aura. No."
"Heph: Sorry! They're idiots. I'm not an idiot. *is Auralious and is in a wheel chair, has a broken leg and shoulder* "
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