Dream_Sans's Profile


Joined on May 19, 2022
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
2-Year Club
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Dream_Sans's Quizzes

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Dream_Sans's Recent Posts

  • Silridge
    "W-wait- h-hey!!! That's not-"
  • Silridge
    "Are you sure that's what he said????"
  • Silridge
    "Why would he say that?? That's very odd to say, my bones don't glow when they snap"
  • "[[ I'm so sorry, that's sucks, I hope you'll be able to rest))"
  • "[[ I'm a little sick, but I'll be okay ^-^ How are you?]]"
  • "[[ my throat feels so bad ]]"
    "The mods have said, multiple times that they are not sure yet. They're all extremely busy and this is a voluntary position. They're not bein..."
  • Silridge
    "I...don't think that's true nightmare. Hes rather shy."
  • Silridge
    "I'm not a glowstick! Oh, well...uhm I'm not too sure that's a good idea"
  • Silridge
    "I'm not a glowstick, noot."
  • The Gods Call
    "Sorrel knocks on the door, and waits for Lucia to come out, having missed interacting with the halfling woman from last time"
  • Silridge
    "I don't heal with light. That's different nightmare, that's because you normally pretend to attack me, to scare me and g"
  • Garden of Positivity
    "*shakes his head* Nope!"
  • Silridge
    "*looks upset at the implication that he'd harm someone* I wasn't going to..."
  • Silridge
    "Oh uhm. I dont know how to turn my light of? Sorry."

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