dragonqueen's Profile

Joined on Sep 28, 2011
Status Level: Novice
dragonqueen's Quizzes
- Finding Your Way[published: Feb 08, 2012, 2 comments]
This is a quiz about an adventure I would take the quiz if your bored I am also thinking about adding another……
- Do you think the world is small?[published: Oct 29, 2011, 4 comments]
There are many people who think they have seen the whole world but have they really or are they……
dragonqueen's Recent Posts
"Did you ever try playing it?"
"I play it but not that often..."
"I would love to know how many people play wizard101. If you do play maybe we could talk about the updates they made and if you think they im..."
dragonqueen's Recent Quiz Comments
"Harpusrox7 are you part mouse by any chance?"
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"A laptop but I got one two years ago *whiny face*."
1 -
"I actually play wizard101 I am a level 50 storm wizard and I noticed you copied some of the questions from the actual quiz on the website…"
1 -
"I got I think like you so I have one to ask you: Would you rather live in the coldest place on earth with only a t-shirt and shorts or the…"
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"Lol nice names and I got twilight :P"
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"I got pj I am a girl eh o well."
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"The warrior :D "
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"Good quiz it was fun I will do p2...GJ"
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"Lol cool."
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"I made a mistake when I did the name instead of doing finding your way p1 i just put finding way sry about that"