Dragon Keeper's Profile
Dragon Keeper
Joined on Jan 15, 2012
Status Level: Novice
Dragon Keeper's Quizzes
- The 100% honest does your crush like you quiz.[published: Jan 13, 2012, 3 comments]
Fist of all this quiz is intended for girls only. Your answer is as honest as……
- The 100% honest are you pretty quiz.[published: Jan 12, 2012, 69 comments]
This quiz is made for girls only. In these 20 questions I will tell you if you are pretty……
Dragon Keeper's Recent Posts
"Wait, let me get this strait, you expect us to have crushes on people that we don't know what they look like? What? Any way I only have on..."
"1-24-12 Today I actually got all my school work done since our house burned down! At swimming I talked to my new friend Ally. And t"
"You are all complete idiots!!! *sniffs air* did you just poop your pants? Change your diper!"
"Is there a quiz were you don't know if the answer is honest? I will anylize the quiz and tell you if it is trying to be honest or tell you ..."
"Watch the language! Your joking so you drop the F-bomb?"
"I'm going to go do something else. Bye."
"@Selena: That's wieird."
"So your Ipod isn't dieing and it told you it was?"
"@Selena: bye @Lelouch: I seriously call anyone idiots unless I know them and it's true. Oh, and just so you know I'm a girl."
"Wow, that's quite a bit."
"It's only snowed once, and it was two inches in the contry."
"In the contry some of the road were floded. How is the weather there?"
"They've closed the public schools a few times, but I'm home-schooled so I don't get out of school."
"Um, nothing is really going on. I have school like always. It has been really stormy here."
"Oh, I was wondering how do you get a picture on your account?"
Dragon Keeper's Recent Quiz Comments
"Hey Sparkels 6: Make a forum thread if you want to avertise! Get your Spam out of comments!
To all of you that do the "Do not…"
1 -
"Hey, have any of you noticed all the answers were right (incluing mine)? That question that asks how old you are is the only one that…"
1 -
""Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of…"
1 -
"I got you will die of boredom. I might, I get really bored. My #2 was "you will die saving someones life", Ha, I doubt that! My #3 was…"
1 -
"This quiz is untrue and with the questions asking what is your favorite drink, they really need a "I don't drink" answer. I got geeks, for…"
1 -
"Yes! Fighter, definently me."
1 -
"73% tomboy, nice quiz harqusrox."
1 -
"Wait, why were there only GOOD possibilities? You have to have bad possibilities too you know. I got cute, like I always do."
1 -
"This was stupid."
1 -
"These things discust me. Why do you take them?
p.s. this was my first."