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Joined on Apr 13, 2015
Status Level: Novice
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dpd376's Recent Quiz Comments
"This quiz is horribly biased the left has several options to choose from, conservative/libert arians are often stuck with one extreme answer"
1 -
"Corporate Conspiracist followed by Extremely Dull. Yep, that's me"
2 -
"The point is that if you look at the positions of "liberal" institutions such as the NYT and academia then the average Democrat (of whom I…"
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"Why does everything have to be so black and white? I'm agnostic, but act like a moderate Protestant, Classical Liberal (i.e.…"
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"Knowing the exact provenance of semi-obscure quotations does not mean one does not understand the principle of separation of church and…"
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"Definite libertarian bias (and I'm a classical liberal, i.e. realistic libertarian). The extreme options were too all or nothing (almost…"
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"This quiz really didn't give enough options. For example I'm completely for free trade, EXCEPT when the other country games the system.…"