Dokusonmaru's Profile

Joined on Aug 16, 2015
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
Dokusonmaru's Quizzes
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Dokusonmaru's Recent Posts
"suk my nutz"
"Oh yes I do. >:3"
""Kids are still depressed when you dress them up, And syrup is still syrup in a sippy"
"Do I mean nothing to any of you? Even my supposed 'friends' don't give a damn if I want to hang myself, AND they even get to b---- about the..."
"I already know that. I'm not stupid, FYI."
"I hate all of you."
"gonna start on Junkooooooooo"
"that already happened to me xD"
"goth girls are hot tbh"
"wow I can't draw either :D mmm food"
"Disgustingrudeaggresivemeanbluntproblematicattentionwhoretrollwannabetryhardpreacher There."
"you start* i can't- the typos are too much"
"that time when you're so bored that start drawing on everything"
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