DocFaust's Profile

Joined on Mar 31, 2011
Status Level: Advanced
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13-Year Club
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"Heph: Who knows."
"I'd appreciate if you didn't, seeing as I am me."
".. I'm not dead."
"15 minutes? Wow, alright then."
"What's up?"
"Want: I take it you still want me to knock those teeth out of your head, huh?"
"Want:What did you say, human?!"
"Heph:._. I volunteered to help research.xD Besides, remember what you did with Citti?:p xD I heard about that. *puts needle i"
"Shiro:Yeah. *draws a stick figure with a cat*Hehe Heph:*watches the kids*"
"Heph:Zydrate?*shotshotshot* -.- No Heph. *fills syringe with it and says*You sure? Heph:Eh, what do I got to loose? You"
"Shiro: ^-^ Of course I am. Heph:No problem.x3 Yey."
"*sighs* Any damage remaining?"
"What, accident prone Heph? *nods to Citti*"
"*flinches and pushes Heph off* I'm still recovering from my last fight, Heph. Well, nice to meet you, then, Cittiravatai."
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