Dixon's Profile
Joined on Oct 16, 2009
Status Level: Newbie
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Dixon's Recent Quiz Comments
"Your Result: You are Legend
You are like me, planning for the zombie hordes. But you have way too much time on your hands. And if…"
1 -
"Your Result: CIA agent
You like to go under cover and spy on people. You can see what people are doing when they don't even know…"
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"Its time for SGT Dixon: No. No. I wasnt thinking of a car. It was an M1A2 Abrams tank!"
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"you are in great shape continue what you are doing and you will maintain weight and look great. You can afford to eat some of the junk…"
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"Sweet. Got 89 percent. Nice quiz"
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"You have a 87% chance of surviving a zombie out break.
YEAH, you managed to survive the whole zombie and killed a few hundred of…"
2 -
"I am a badass. Zombies and other a-holes beware. "
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"Your Result: Purple Link
Each Link suffers from a mental illness, and yours is Anger Management Issues. You are probably the last…"