DivergentDemiWol's Profile

Joined on Sep 19, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
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DivergentDemiWol's Recent Quiz Comments
"Your Result: Son/Daughter Of Apollo
100%Apollo's children are superior archers, healers, and musicians. They are additionally…"
1 -
"I mean, that's good self esteem if I've seen any."
In response to Aroosa:
"I actually liked this one better than all the…"
1 -
"Legacy, OH YEAH! Legacy of Apollo (on my mom's side) and Athena (my dad's side probs). WHOOP WHOOP"
2 -
"Is 8 the only option? I was bullied and literally had a panic attack yesterday (yes I'm fine now)"
1 -
"I'm a freaking genius!! 77%
you must be the next einstein or something cos you're on a roll. carry on like you're doing now and…"
1 -
"Ummmmm... I don't wanna hate but... Neville (whom I clicked on as my crush) "didn't know me", I'm a Ravenclaw, not a Gryffindor, my hair…"
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"I feel like that test was only for guys or lesbians (not trying to be homophobic or anything) bc dating and stuff was always with…"