Disturbia's Profile

Joined on Jun 15, 2010
Status Level: Newbie
14-Year Club
Disturbia's Quizzes
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Disturbia's Recent Posts
"LOL sorry g2g have to do chores, later"
"Mysterious air fills around. I was a killer. A disgrace to my family..I was a vampire and i hungered of blood. Then i heard a pitch screa..."
"sorry i had 2 go 2 bed ok where were we?"
"If Chan is here please come it's me Scar"
"i'm going 2 another thread sisi ok i'm gonna make one and i'll meet u at the soap opera"
"later C:"
"i mean Disturbia sorry"
"The monster is here The Forbidden Had Awaken Disturbis is near That's my saying."
"Icy wind Slaps my face Filled with shame And digrace Save me now Don't know how Help my voice"
"Last icy breath In the cold wind Last final test of being without you"
"im Disturb now ok?"
"what sisi?"
"me too i'm lonely i just have a sudden feeling of sadness don't know why.."
"I like music i'm new but i won't tell anyone my gender or name cause i'm mysterious and secretive."
Disturbia's Recent Quiz Comments
"cool quiz"