Dio Eraclea's Profile


Dio Eraclea
Joined on Feb 11, 2014
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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Dio Eraclea's Quizzes

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Dio Eraclea's Recent Posts

  • Hello.
    "(gotta leave)"
  • Hello.
    "I'm not very heavy~"
  • Hello.
    "Let's play a game! It's called "Give Dio a Piggyback Ride so that he doesn't need to walk anymore"!"
  • Hello.
    "I feel for you. The place I used to stay at when I was a child was awful."
  • Hello.
  • Hello.
    "Then make them happy~ Smiles go for miles! *cocks his head to the left and smiles*"
  • Hello.
    "It is. I don't like seeing people sad. Hi~"
  • Hello.
    "Food is wonderful~ It's fine. They're happy anyway."
  • Hello.
    "The people I'm staying with don't like my singing though. But they make really good food~"
  • Hello.
    "*perks up* Really? That's great!"
  • Hello.
    "I-is there something wrong with my singing?"
  • Hello.
    "To make people happy~"
  • Hello.
    "Happy when you're born, happy when you're old and grey~ I'm singing silly."
  • Hello.
    "His name is Claus. I just call him Immelmann. *starts waving his fingers around like he's conducting music, hums a short song*"
  • Hello.
    "Those are some strange names~ I'm sure Immelman would agree."

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