Diobrach's Profile

Joined on May 18, 2016
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
Diobrach's Quizzes
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Diobrach's Recent Posts
"Mwahahahahahahaha >:) Suffer, mortal."
"more like hey- NO!"
"Girl of course! Why am I talking to you?! I need to kill you! *lunges at you with a jab*"
"I will not kill the smithy! My hunting license would be revoked and i'd be out of a job!"
"Since you're a Great Jaggi, your hide is worth 260z to the local smithy, but I may be able to sell if for 370z if I can convince him that yo..."
"*Draws my longsword* A Jaggi is no real hunt, but your hide will fetch a nice price, beast!"
"Shut up, wimp."
"I don't know! I'll cross that bridge when I get to it!"
"I'll prove it!"
"Yes I can! Wimp!"
"Not if I fight you off!"
"But if I die by old age, why would I go to silver hell? And why is it silver?"
"What is hell?"
"I'll be reincarnated as a monster or a hunter, then. Or a palico if iv'e sinned against the gods."
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