dino gal's Profile

dino gal
Joined on Oct 18, 2012
Status Level: Novice
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dino gal's Quizzes
- Jurassic Park Quiz II[published: Feb 15, 2013]
Most people know what dinosaurs are,most also don't know what some names mean,or who discovered them.This……
- Jurassic Park Quiz[published: Oct 19, 2012, 3 comments]
Hellloooo nattiioonnnn!!!!!!! This is not actually a quiz about Jurassic Park , It is about dinosaurs and all……
dino gal's Recent Posts
""Oh,just the thugs prowl by the beachside at night,so just don't go there,"I say."
""Just don't go out at night too late," I warned."
"I spread my hands out dramaticly."Well,Behold the one and mighty Waukegan."I started to grin uncontrollably."
"I nod my head."Ah,that explains why you didn't 't know what The Windy City was.""
"Well,Star can join,and I meant where,not were."
"I roll my eyes while saying,"Chicago.Were did you live before moving?""
"it's okay with me,but I'm not so sure if you can or not yet."
"I smile back."So,"I start."Have you thought of going to The Windy City yet?It's less than an hours drive from here in Waukegan.""
"I saw the girl come up to me,somI waved and said,"Hello,I'm Katie and welcome to the neighborhood.""
"I was on the swing,reading Moby-Dick for the fourth time.I don't know why,but I've really liked the book.Then I heard some noise a a ..."
"No,you go first."
"Can you go first,please?"
"Name:Katie Parks Age:15 Looks:Short dark blond hair with some lighter blond strands.She has emerald green eyes and a little b"
dino gal's Recent Quiz Comments
"Nice quiz!Hope you make more!"
1 -
"Nice quiz!I got 0% on all but Silverdrop."
2 -
"Paranoia..That is so true."
1 -
"Got the 'I FOUND YOU' One.Well,this should be interesting."
1 -
"Great!I can't believe I didn't find this before!"
1 -
"Classic!my fave.!"
1 -
"thanks a lot.really."
1 -
"Elder.makes sense."
1 -
"same here!"
1 -
"I got 79% for knuckles and silver."