dickeater's Profile

Joined on Dec 30, 2012
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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dickeater's Quizzes

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dickeater's Recent Posts

  • HOLY s---
  • Hello
    "Bye gunna sleep"
  • bye gunna sleep
    "Ill change my name to page or somthing simalar,ok? good night everyone!"
  • Hello
    "(well thiis sucks...)"
  • Go to sleep
    "Jeff dont you just kill people that are evil and gossipy abbout others peoples looks,not the inoccent ones?"
  • Go to sleep
  • Soap....? Anyone.
    "Join ours in the hello thread?"
  • Hello
    "As everyone was entering class,i was stuck in the bathroom,some mean kids locked me in.so I started to pound on the door."
  • Soap....? Anyone.
    "And do they die?"
  • Go to sleep
    "Aint so tough now motha fuka"
  • Go to sleep
    "And your the cow C:"
  • "Evil angel.i cant change it,youll have to wait untill tomarrow,ok?can you wait?"
  • Go to sleep
    "Holy cow."
  • dickeater
    "I cant it says youv already make an account to day ill make one tomarrow,ok?"
  • "Just because you sead please."

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