diamond lover's Profile
diamond lover
Joined on Dec 14, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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diamond lover's Recent Quiz Comments
"I just took a random quiz because of boardom and I don't like 1D sorry."
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"I live in Austin,TX. You quiz is amazing by the way I'm starting a quiz called mythical love story."
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"I'm torn between matt and peter still any help."
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"Can't decide between matt and peter. Good quiz."
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"Wait how do they even look like?! Make more."
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"Please continue the series it is just interesting. By the way I don't know why but I don't like some quizzes who tells what my name is…"
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"I don't really like the me having super powers. Just my opinion. By the way great,fantastic,ext raordinary quiz."
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"I love fang *daydreams*."
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"Fang my hero came to save me!!!!!:D"