DerpySquid's Profile
Joined on Jul 14, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
DerpySquid's Quizzes
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DerpySquid's Recent Quiz Comments
"Heavy Metal 88%
You're probably a moody or dark person, often not happy, but not sad either. You obviously like very loud music…"
1 -
"Your Result: Kind 91%
You are a person that likes to have friends and love to help others with stuations. You never let a friend…"
1 -
"Gender neutral 76%
You follow the neither the male or female stereotype very closely. The majority of male and female identified…"
1 -
"I got 10-11
nope ._. I'm 12"1 -
"The Middles 80%
You aren't popular, but you aren't unpopular. You are one of those people who either don't care what people think…"