DeRosa's Profile
Joined on Mar 3, 2010
Status Level: Newbie
15-Year Club
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DeRosa's Recent Quiz Comments
"josEph...wOw i kNow lots of Joseph and they're uSually CuTe! =)"
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"it says iM Kathy and my name starts with R!! and my zodiac sign's Capricorn not Aquarius!!
i aGree with you Guys, thiS qUiz…"
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"you are 100% like! cOOl..."
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"i always knew that iM a Vampire! =) iM so obsessed with them vamps"
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"uhh...there are better quizes on TwiliGht"
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"SELENA GOMEZ!!! wow, she's my boyfriend's fav.celeb ;)"
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"cheerful that's so ME =)"
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"0% i dOn't understand! because that guy actually proposed many times!"
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"fRiendLy one, great! i just love to have loads and loads of friEnds!"
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"Queen Bee! uhh that's so true! =) "