demigods4eva's Profile

Joined on Apr 23, 2012
Status Level: Advanced
demigods4eva's Quizzes
- The Bible Quiz - how well do you know the bible?[published: Apr 28, 2012]
Many people know facts about the Bible, But there are a rare few who know their……
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demigods4eva's Recent Quiz Comments
"I am going to personaly track you down and kill you. e.e
Ron: As will I. >:{"
0 -
"Hello. I don't know anything new yet. She is still in a coma. :'("
1 -
"I got the Wizard! Cool!"
1 -
"Damn you Luke, FREAKIN CUT IT OUT ALREADY! Snap out of it! srsly! I mean, I don't like (I like Percy) you but I'm not mean! And doing this…"
1 -
"OK, so her sis says the doctors say that both
(a) she swallowed a toothpick
and that(b) she is really sick (sicker than…"
1 -
"I just got a text from LetsParty's little sister (my bff) and she says they're rushing LetsParty to the hospital. Apperently she's even…"
1 -
1 -
"Cool quiz! I got black. ********** "
1 -
"i love this seiries! thnx so much for keeping writing it! fav seiries eva! next pt up soon plz or i'll go crazy!"