Deern's Profile

Joined on Jan 8, 2013
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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Deern's Recent Posts
"*hums, getting spoonful of tea* Ahhh. An information hunter.. What is your name? Mine is Deern."
"You act as if you weren't just listening to us. *stands, picking up tea and spoon* *moves to sit across from her, pointin"
"Host: *sets cup down, stretching* I'm gonna go to the bathroom. You enjoy that tea. *stands, leaving* *as soon as he's gone, in"
"*both are seated at a table in a cafe* *drinking tea from spoon instead of cup* We must pick a side.. Whoever loses will "
"*jumps because of the new people* *stares, hand over heart* ..Looks like our party is getting bigger.. "
"But, that's not our choice to make. Twisted: Tch. *scowls* Whatever.. Dairi: Would you two stop whining? We ha"
"*blocks, scowling* I do not care who he has.. You aren't-- *loud noise because the castle doors are being push"
"*outside of the castle, scolding June* *head snaps up* ..Young master-- *unsheathes sword upon seeing "
"Dark: yes, and it's because *shuts trap* watch"
"..What an odd thing to say.. You must not be a human."
"(so now, fun fact time! This is a list of some of the people that were involved in the Light thing that Caine and Rosette were in, th"
"Unfortunate.. I apologize for that. I wasn't made to convey my emotions well, I was made to protect the young master. Well, I've certainly g..."
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