deathxstar92's Profile

Joined on Jul 23, 2010
Status Level: Newbie
14-Year Club
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deathxstar92's Recent Posts
"hikuru pretty mutch sed she was fake"
"she sed it wasnt rite for her to haf to leave the only thing that made her happy cuz of some morons and i saw her slaughter a rat erlyr"
"damn i sen now to many times"
"i know no one hear and alice went crazy now"
"im all alone now *crys*"
"hi "
"1.if its something small wear it no one will notice u wasnt origanaly wearing it 2.hide it in ur clothes for example put it n ur bra "
"who r u"
"lol "
"hikuru upset azazel so shes gone now"
"yep a lot of chiz i need a straght jakit"
"i mean we take that stuff very seriosly all she told me was she sik of being discraced like that"
"yep i get fatel error and somthin bout pod cant change header"
"yepi mean i am to but im not going to help anyone or even tell "
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