DeadHeart45's Profile

Joined on Aug 4, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
DeadHeart45's Quizzes
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DeadHeart45's Recent Posts
"What I will not they'll kill me"
"Hi I came for demon page"
"*turns head to Silver_Hedgehog* DO I KNOW YOU?"
"I'm up)"
"HIIIIIIII*turns head creepily to shadowmere*"
"BYE *walks out*"
"*walks in with blood on claws and on teeth*"
"HI*walks in room with blood on claws*"
"*voice whispers in Josh's ear* my last sentence finished Josh. You are timeless.(officially gone forever)"
"Wait no I want to go back! Josh I haven't said it! you ar-*cut off by face dissolving into thin air* (gone)"
"Goodbye *cuts through* *light burst body starts dissolving from toes*"
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