Dead_Heart45's Profile

Joined on Sep 1, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
Dead_Heart45's Quizzes
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Dead_Heart45's Recent Posts
"Well I thought about it and I said "oh! He might have some troubles with that. Better make it cleared""
"Eye-riss iris eye-riss-es irises"
"Do you like irises? they are flowers btw -The Phantom"
"Oh youre back. Ok. Bye"
"nothing really"
"Sparkle:sit sit "
"ok then...-_-"
"you think I'm Cindy too don't you -_-"
"Sparkle:*closes door* hello again Rainy"
"People on here think I'm Cindy"
"Dino:*napping* Sparkle:*let's Rainy in*"
"I don't usually sleep though so it's fine"
"Sparkle:*runs down* OH. MY. GOODNESS. *howls so owner can hear* Owner:*runs down to basement* Neiko! *grabs Neiko* *drives"
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