Dark Skeleton's Profile

Dark Skeleton
Joined on Sep 22, 2011
Status Level: Experienced
Dark Skeleton's Quizzes
- Do you like Kamek? あなたはカメック好きですか?[published: Nov 27, 2011]
There are several people, mostly 'Fangirls', who say they like the……
- How much are you like Dark Skeleton?[published: Nov 23, 2011, 1 comment]
Yes, yes, there are several quizzes like this. Tests to see if quiz-takers are the same as……
- サウンドエフェクトクイズ! Sound Effect Quiz![published: Sep 24, 2011]
Quizzes, quizzes,……
- Do you know Dry Bones?[published: Sep 23, 2011]
Ah, Dry Bones. Some people think he's cool. Others might think he's annoying. Fangirls WILL think he's……
Dark Skeleton's Recent Posts
"Silver Clogs. That is all."
"Dark Skeleton - notelekS kraD ... Unusual, isn't it?"
"Just letting everyone know, angelic4 is correct. I have NEVER been to Florida. EVER."
"Yep, You all probably think I'm a total freak now for even bringing it up~! If you DON'T like it, that's 1000% fine."
"Okay... 1. I have done foreign comic strips. 2. I have licked soap before. 3. I've kicked someone's privates. 4."
"@dragon ember There's a day far worse than this.... Tuesday, the 17th!"
"Have you ever heard of the word 'vore'? Just curious. Some might like it, others hate it, but I just want to he"
""Ask not for whom the bell tolls, It tolls for thee." *I LOVE THAT LINE!*"
"An artist... Or maybe an animator...."
""It is the ninties, STOP BEING TERRIBLE AT KLAX! ...Stop..." ~DeceasedCrab"
"Sweet Santa Christ, that was bloody marvellous!"
"Sweet Santa Christ, that was bloody marvellous!"
".... Cats. Magikoopas are CATS! ... Just an assumption."
"Blue and Black go nicely together, in my opinion."
Dark Skeleton's Recent Quiz Comments
"Apparantly I'm blue.
... Seems legit."1 -
"I knew it; I knew I should have invested in a mask..."
1 -
Well, I know that NOW, but thanks for correcting me anyway.
1 -
"\/ So am I :3 \/"
1 -
"I got emotional.
Too true..."1 -
Darn typos."1 -
I suck! ...... LAUGH![Sorry for any spam caused. Just trying to correct myself.]"
1 -
Darn typos."1 -
ne of the results is "Moron Idiot face".
That is the stupidest result I've ever seen.Not to…"
1 -
"I got Luke.
Yes... This isn't th best out there, is it?I understand this is your first quiz, but I really disliked…"