Dark Pit's Profile

Dark Pit
Joined on Oct 15, 2016
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
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Dark Pit's Recent Posts
"Im Dark Pit"
"Well some refer to me as a doppleganger of pit since he is a flightless angel so am I. though he acts like an annoying upbeat child."
"(Iv seen you for years) im quit decent despite my in ability to fly"
"Becauseyou probably are a cuck"
"if thats pyra then hell yes"
"I descided to let paletana deal with it (Nah it's a common problem FNV has plenty of scatches and it workS typical Bethesda)"
"Well he as of right now sugar rush in Skyworld so im staying away. Pit + Energy Drink=nightmare"
"great observation and thanks (good though skyrim just froze)"
"Ha! I am respected by people for once. (yep)"
"Gahhhhh you have been hanging around pit haven't you. (Am I? Probably.)"
"Sorry im not gay"
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