Dark Dancer's Profile
Dark Dancer
Joined on Jan 20, 2011
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
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"*yawns* I really should be in bed, but I can't fall asleep"
"I have to go as well, good bye Angel"
"Bye Heph "He sounds positivly evil." Ember said, "But he's no more evil then the dark lord. Whatever this Aloz person may have done, "
""Who is, Aloz?" Ember asked."
"Anagoor walked over, and stood beside his sister."
"Ember smiled at everyone, and made her way to a corner of the room. She sat down, and began to wring her hair out."
"Ember watched the two run by, and slowly walked inside. Anagor stood directly behind her, his eyes narrowed."
"Ember looked over, and saw someone on a jackeal. She gasped, and held on to Anagor tight."
""No kidding." Ember said, eyes wide. They started off again, and soon reached the house."
"Ember screamed, and jumped back. Anagor took her hand and ran around the tree. Ember was a forest elf, and therefor had a strong connection ..."
"Ember and Anagor nodded, then started off."
""Great, I think I saw a house over there." Ember said, pointing west."
""Wait!" Ember said, "Why don't you come with us?""
"Ember shivered, as rain started to fall. "We should find some shelter." Anagor said."
"Ember sighed, "I sometimes wish I had never found it, and that it had stayed far away from me.""
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