DantheMan478's Profile
Joined on Feb 10, 2010
Status Level: Newbie
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DantheMan478's Recent Quiz Comments
"You have a 53% chance of surviving a zombie outbreak
You would do pretty well, maybe killing a zombie or two along the way, but…"
0 -
"wtf whoever made this quiz needs to get a life"
1 -
"STRANGE. but i like strange.
Random quiz."1 -
"You are 0% nerdy.
You got the best result. You are probably the type of person I would like to hang out with. You are probably…"
1 -
"What nickname is good for you?
Your Result: A.K.,B.K.,C.K.,etc.Your nickname needs to be two letters.It can stand for anything…"
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"actually, i googled memhpilies....nothi ng came up. it is either spelled memphilies or mehpilies."
1 -
"erm... who is Memhpilies? and how many characters do you have as results? i made a sonic character quiz also...you should try…"
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"74% OMG I want to go for it, but i can't for a WHOLE bunch of reasons:
1. I moved to England and i wont see her for another couple…"
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"What is your birthday finger?
Your Result: PinkyYou are the tiny pinky. You are probably little and a youngest child. I'm an…"
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"Your Result: Nine to Thirteen Years Old
You are pretty dependant on others. Perhaps you've been to a movie or something, and can…"