DangerousRockGod's Profile

Joined on Aug 12, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
DangerousRockGod's Quizzes
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DangerousRockGod's Recent Posts
"45 (using this to RP from now on)"
"I was joooooking wow you guys are 2serious4me"
"Person? How dare you call me a person! I am the almighty demon king... HONEY!"
"Hey Cody."
"my life in a nutshell"
"Um, you've even said that you 'stalk' my thread to make sure I'm okay. Now I know that was just a load of bullcrap. Now, I will go to anothe..."
"nahhhh still tho I'm ugly and only a few users here have seen my face or maybe just like three users I think"
"you're not interesting enough for me to stalk and plenty of other people stalk me so idrgaf if you stalk me"
"nah man I'm ugly af"
"want a gold star for that"
"OH MY GOD YOU NEVER FAIL TO IMPRESS ME /applauds/ I'm so proud of you ;D"
"sHhhh LeT thEm continUe shhhhhh"
"wow I'll just go back to stalking then I'll give you guys some 'manly time' bye"
"I have revealed myself I am your stalker >:D-- oh um I always walk in at the worst times"
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