Daisy's Profile

Joined on Jun 4, 2010
Status Level: Newbie
14-Year Club
Daisy's Quizzes
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Daisy's Recent Posts
"Actually The Godfather (bahahahaha) um yeah Edward dude didnt have a uni-brow. They were just Eugene Levy style. WOuld you preffered if he h..."
"Dont you have anything better to post on a forum than "this is f---ing stupid and "Twilight is GAY" blahblah blah. Really. It's understandin..."
"There are many things I would change about this book. If it had to be written it should not have been thrown in the hands of Stephanie Meyer..."
"The book was completely destroyed when Stephanie made Edward a vampire. Ofcourse vampires dont sparkle. She went on the wrong road with it. ..."
Daisy's Recent Quiz Comments
"Who the hell wrote this quiz? A red furry pervert, a pansy with an emo bang or Taylor Lautner. Hmmm. I'm a bit scared but OK!!!!!:)"