CupcakeKing's Profile

Joined on Jul 5, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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CupcakeKing's Recent Posts
"You're all replying really fast .-. I can't even get a reply in."
"No, I'm content to just sit here ^-^ Of course you can have a cupcake!"
"Oh, she spit it out. She's fine! Oh yes, very scary *yawn* Sure, honey buns~"
"Well that wasn't very'll need to be punished."
"Owie! Dx WHat'd you do that for?"
"You're welcome! Since you didn't seem to like the drug idea, I added something else. I hope you enjoy~"
"*cupcake for you*"
"Then feel free to take one. You, silly! x3"
"What rat poison, I didn't see any rat poison! .-. I have an extra special one for you, poppet~"
"Well, I suppose I could give a cupcake that doesn't have drugs in it....."
"What's wrong? D: Do you not like it?"
"I hope you enjoy all the rat poison love I baked into it~ ^-^"
"It's not my fault you all have weak stomachs :/ I think they taste just fine!"
"You're missing out! Yes your sure, or yes you'd like a cupcake? Here you are, sweet pea~ *hands cupcake*"
"Who told you that? :O I can asure you it is not true! ... It's arsenic"
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