CrystalAngie's Profile

Joined on Apr 7, 2021
Status Level: Newbie
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CrystalAngie's Quizzes
- Are You a Toxic Player?[published: Apr 12, 2021]
Video games are a special way for people to relax and get their minds off of other stressful things in……
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"I'm pretty nice! Yay :)"
1 -
"0% for me! Yay!"
1 -
"Good quiz :)"
1 -
In response to pinkjumper:
"Your Result: Different
You do what you…"
1 -
"I am a mixture."
1 -
"I got Marinette! Yay!"
1 -
"Great quiz!"
1 -
"Your score is 17%
You play to have fun and don't think badly of your team. You're the teammate everyone wishes for. You're the guy…"