Crisis's Profile

Joined on Aug 20, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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"No killing the kid."
"Uhh..Let's not maim the child. Fair enough."
"You've got to get him to release his grip on me, then. Well thanks, I guess. Goddamn."
"Whaaatever. Aliens."
"Aww come on. You can have one now. I think he's like- *assesses Frame, then pats his head* 14, maybe? He's docile enough. No s"
"Poor kid. I guess you really did hit your head hard."
"Thanks babe. You want a kid?"
"Oh come on. Why the hell did I get stuck with you? Isolate was around, why didn't you bond with her? You haven't met "
"[*sake, not safe]"
"Then you must of never heard of 'Teachers', huh? Oh for f---s safe, Frame. Get lost!"
"Go home, kid. Use the Rift, find your dimension or whatever."
"Oh? Why wouldn't I be? Oh god. Kid, why can't you just stay where I ditched you?"
"I'm glad, real glad."
"That's not a good thing, kid. You should take care of yourself. I'm not fond of killing off cute girls."
"Yeah? Then you're not blind, deaf, and dumb. That's good to know."
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