Crimson Rose's Profile

Crimson Rose
Joined on Jun 10, 2012
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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Crimson Rose's Recent Posts
"You're probably the only one that can't, Revive."
"I'm bored with this conversation so I'm going to go hunt down Sulfur and poison her."
"Of course you don't need her, Cheshy. e.e Of course you don't."
"*sits on table, legs crossed* A heavily guarded cat. Believe me, she'll have your head if you do anything to Cheshy. We've "
"Bye bye Darky~"
"*waves hand dismissively* Sure, sure. *heads up the stairs* Just watch your step. That tiny gu"
"I understand that. I understand that you're older than me and all that.. As for pop culture, I'm not entirely certain I know what that is...."
"*purses lips* Then I'll go with you. I'm soooo bored. Maybe just sitting here pouting wasn't the best idea. ewe "
"Well. As I said, I'd respond if I knew how to. You've always been one of those users that puts yourself on a level none of us can really r..."
"*shrugs* He should have known better, really. In the field of the criminal arts, if you choose to have ties, you choose to p"
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