ConfusedDereDere's Profile

Joined on Dec 23, 2014
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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ConfusedDereDere's Recent Posts
"You mean the deres? That's the premise of them. Yandere is on the track team, Tsundere is in the cooking club and tutors home ec classes, an..."
"Japanese cause they're all girls from the same school and it just makes it better."
"brb gotta go home"
"help me theeeen owo Sorry I ended up sorting books while watching Symphogear, I got to episode 4."
";-; I don't understand I- OOOOH NO NO NO"
"[I need to come up with names for these three. Yandere's should be something meaning fast or wind, Tsundere needs to sound really cute and s..."
"Filthy..? Uhhh, she isn't filthy. Except maybe after track..? I dunno. Whaaat really?"
"I only know about me, Senpai, and Sweets.owo"
"are you a rapist cause you seem like a rapist"
"Skim milk?? Whaaat."
"Hot as all f---ing hell. Hitting 110-116 during afternoons lately."
"That sucks, about the church thing. At least you don't have to go on Wednesday's, and teach classes."
"Oh? Meeting time?owo"
"why did I come back to gtq"
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