Comex's Profile

Joined on Aug 5, 2012
Status Level: Experienced
Comex's Quizzes
- Would you survive your birthday[published: Feb 26, 2014, 2 comments]
There are many people who can handle their parties, are you one of them? Take your time on this……
- When is your birthday?[published: Feb 26, 2014, 1 comment]
There are many people who know their birthdays! Are you one of them? :) When is your birthday? I bet you……
- How pretty are you?[published: Dec 19, 2012, 1 comment]
Are you pretty? I'm sure you are! I bet you are amazingly pretty, and this quiz will tell you the exact……
- How much do you know about England?[published: Dec 04, 2012]
Do you think you know about England? Are you sure? Well, in a few minutes you will find out……
- Which of my friends or family are you?[published: Nov 24, 2012, 1 comment]
I have a lot of friends and family. Who are you most like? My best friend or me? My……
- How crazy are you?[published: Nov 17, 2012, 4 comments]
There are many insane people, but few true crazies. Are you crazy? I am creating this quiz becuase I have a……
- How much like you are me?[published: Oct 27, 2012]
Oh no! I just realised my title is spelt "How much like you are me" instead of "How much like me are……
- How well do you know MCR[published: Oct 21, 2012, 1 comment]
There are many MCR fans, but few that really love them. Are you one of the select few? Or do you not……
- How weird are you?[published: Oct 15, 2012]
There are many normal people, but few different ones. The ones who know that to be accepted, they have to be……
- Which Horrid Henry character are you?[published: Oct 06, 2012]
There are lots of books called Horrid Henry. He has lots of adventures in them. He has……
- Are you beautiful?[published: Oct 05, 2012, 2 comments]
There are many beautiful people. Everyone is beautiful! Well done! This is a quiz about beauty and inner……
- Hard general knowledge MCR test[published: Sep 29, 2012]
My Chemical Romance is a cool band. But do you know a lot about them? Yes or no? Do you like……
- Are you and your friend BFF's forever?[published: Sep 29, 2012, 2 comments]
There are many pairs of friends in the world. Compatible ones, bad ones, and all sorts of……
- Are you a Tudor fan?[published: Sep 21, 2012]
There are many tudor fans, but few true tudors. What is a tudor? Someone with a Tudor surname. Henry the……
- Which of my Friends are you?[published: Sep 11, 2012]
Are you like Sadie, Hannah, Alina or Alice? Here is your chance to find out! These are all my……
- Which Harry Potter Character are you?[published: Sep 10, 2012, 2 comments]
This is a really detailed Harry Potter quiz. You can be 10 different people. Hermione,……
- How pretty are you?[published: Aug 25, 2012, 3 comments]
There are many pretty people, but few true beautiful peeps. This quiz is just outer beauty so it might come……
- How likable are you?[published: Aug 24, 2012, 1 comment]
Some people are likable, some are not. This is a test to find out just how much people like you. Will you……
- How good are you on Howrse[published: Aug 22, 2012]
Depending on the resulting score, a different message will be displayed. For example if someone……
- What pet should you get[published: Aug 22, 2012, 5 comments]
What pet should you get? This is a proper quiz, not a jokey one, and please don't take it seriously:p It……
- How Insane Are You?[published: Apr 28, 2007, 5 comments]
Everyone has their little quirks: dancing at inappropriate times, collecting pens, decorating coconuts and……
Comex's Recent Posts
"Don't forget you're here forever."
"I am Donotdisturb!"
"This is where having an Experienced account comes in handy"
"Or am I?"
"mario sucks now"
Comex's Recent Quiz Comments
"Is it good I got 100%? -.-"
1 -
"His name is not Genard Way... it's Gerard Way... and MCR is not a band... they are finished. They ended a few days ago... some fan:("
1 -
"not scary until i imagined it happening in real"
1 -
"haha I got Frank... he is most like me"
1 -
"gostonepanda - nananananana lol r u an mcr fan"
1 -
"My result was so accurate!
I love water and swimming. (I got the ocean)i always get water in element quizzes1 only my closest…"
1 -
"I don't have a mobile! *gasps""
1 -
"I love your quiz! I got a sable island pony;p I also own him on Howrse!"
1 -
"But you got questions 4 and 5 wrong. The game started in April 2007, and you CAN'T buy howrses for sale with diamonds. You put that you…"
1 -
"I did contribute to howrse quiz, but it doesn't come up on my page, because I since restarted. I have been on it since 2009 on my…"