ColonelKitty's Profile

Joined on May 17, 2012
Status Level: Novice
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ColonelKitty's Quizzes
- This Test Has No Meaning[published: May 17, 2012, 4 comments]
Should we yet document audacity, your last allegations we write. With yet another man-made miracle,……
ColonelKitty's Recent Posts
"First of all stop crying into my fur, then explain. (Yay~ I'll make the thread.)"
"*is cuddled* (I was thinking we both could have at least one of the crazed children, but you could also have a character who "
"Sayonara person."
"(It's creepy but it's cool.)"
"How the he'll should I know? Heph is the only one who knows how long this'll last."
"(Well yes.xD listen to it.) Hmm..."
" No the claws and fangs are for show. *puffs up fur A slightly, insulted*"
" Cats can't use alchemy, so no. *rubs against Darks hand* You lie as bad as Full metal. ( Search"
"I noticed. Hmph. What's wrong Dark? (Dark I have an epic roleplay idea. )"
"Well thank you, person. I happen to love cats."
"I'm good."
"*is petted, purs* Cats aren't bad."
"That's a stupid problem."
ColonelKitty's Recent Quiz Comments
"This quiz WAS a waste of time, Lucy dear. I told you that in the beginning.xD
XxS ophiacxX You just wasted two minutes of your…"